Saturday 31 January 2009

Intro to editing

We had a tutorial to editing using the programme Final Cut Pro on the MAC computers. We were shown how it should be done watching our teacher Mickey, then we were given many clips about a boy in a cafe and because the clip had been logged and captured; we were then able to play about with them and create our own sequence.

With my clip, i started off with the waitress stocking up the drinks and then talking to boy, and then having the boy just looking lost. following after that was when he was then looking outside the window and then havng the tramp coming into the cafe and having me eat food then turn towards the boy.

Later when everyone had their clips finished, we were shown how to add text into them for either comic effect or credits at the end, which was really fun. I added words to create a comic effect to show what the actors in the play were really thinking in my own interpretation

In General, i think the whole the lesson was really fun and will aid my editing in the final film we do. Also it helped to see how we can view things in different ways. As everyone got the same footage, but every one's clip did not turn out the same.

Thursday 29 January 2009

first filming exercise

Our first filming exercise was to create a short film based on a newspaper, this was very intresting an we was giving a task to film someone reading a newspaper acting suspiciously, we managed to create some great shots as this was our first time filming as a group an was very please with our outcome considering we only had a lunch time to complete the film.

we learned some new techniques in terms of mise en scene, an in terms of editing we learnt how to do this correctly.

Intro to cameras

Before we started our filming our first film, we had an intro to the cameras and how to use the tri-pod. Firstly we were shown how the camera generally works and how to use the basic functions such as: how to switch it on and off, how to view through the eye hole or the LCD screen, how to rewind and play the film back and how to insert and take out the tape. After doing this we then had to go around the class and practise doing so, so that when it came to filming we knew what we was doing.

After that, we were then shown how the tri-pod works and how the legs extend and how to make the legs shorter. Also how to make sure that the camera is secure and locked into place. Again we all had a turn to make sure we could attach and take off the camera. 

Finally we experimented how to tilt and pan the camera when its on the tri-pod so that when we film we can use these techniques.

Risk assessment- tutorial on cameras and tripods.

The media tutorial was a demonstration on how to use the equipments for filming in the correct manner. It was highlighted that the equipments had to be handled with care as they were extremely expensive and would take long to replace. 

First of all we were taught how to open the legs of the tripods at different levels depending on where we are filming and the effect we were trying to create. Adjusting the tripod was very easy and i was able to do this without any complication.

We were also taught how to correctly place the video cameras  on the tripod making sure it clicked in properly and was secure. This took me a little while to master as i couldn't seem to position  the camera in the right place and i wouldn't click in . However after a personal demonstration from a media technician  i was able to carry out the process with ease.

Turning on the camera and inserting the tape was another thing that was shown to the class. I also found that opening the screen to view the filming or looking through the lens to be very interesting, i think it gave the person filming a choice on how the clip will look on a screen and it made it easier when you are watching it back in the video mode.

We were also given the knowledge to know that filming only operates on the 'camera mode where as watching the  playback of the clip operates on 'video' .  I thought this was one of the simplest thing to ever do on the camera.

 After watching and recording each demonstration we were given the opportunity to do it ourselves making sure all the group knew how to use the equipment properly. I particularly didn't have any problems with repeating any of the demonstrations on the day and found almost every-step to be useful and easy.

risk assessment

During this risk assessment we had a tutorial on how to use the cameras correctly, we learnt how to use basic skills on how to film the correct shots for our film. This also included how to put the camera on a stand, we was first shown how to do a certain technique then we was asked to perform this in our groups. I found this very use full an i gained a lot of information form this.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Evaluation of preliminary film

Our second practise went well. we had ourselves more organised and was able to listen to each other more, so that our film could get done on time. However I think that our plot was very basic, and that we could have stepped out of the box. But for a practise it was very good and we were still able to use many different shot types and enjoy ourselves.

I think between our first and second practice films I've learned how to organise myself more in terms of shot types and plots. But also I've learned that i need to be better in time management when it comes to editing the clips. Also I've learned more about how to film better in terms of setting the tri-pod, so that it tilts or pans in the way you want it. Again I've learnt that in order to make match-cuts better, you need to perform the action fluently both times in order to make it look good when editing.

I feel that at times we followed the forms and conventions of real films, but at other times we didn't. For example, when we were following the male protagonist in our film at the beginning i think that it was good and that it followed the conventions of real films. As we followed his journey, it built suspense and we wondered where is he going and what is he going to do- and real film tend to do this they give you a journey to follow. On the other hand I felt at times we didn't. for example, some of the locations of the film was not really ideal for what was actually happening in the scene; but for obvious lack of time and space we had to use certain places like the media editing room. The narrative in the film was good in my opinion as it left suspense for the audience to try and work out what is happening, and that is always a good thing in a thriller film. The lighting in film was decent. It would have been great if we had a spotlight when filming with the two characters, but we were in college so that would have been abit difficult. With mise- en-scene we used sellotape as bandages around the female character (Kameir) mouth and hands to give some type of realism.

But overall it was very funny to do and we have learnt alot as group and hopefully will be prepared for the final film.

Editing the preliminary film

We used Final Pro Cut again to edit our film. Firstly we hooked up the camera and the video drive to the computer and logged and captured our clips. The only thing was that we had a technical problem with our camera therefore it took a while before we were able to actually log and capture our clip.

After doing so, we started the process of editing our clips. Again like our last film we decided to mute the clip as the sounds effected the clip as whole. At the beginning the editing was going very smooth, and in most cuts you couldn't actually tell. But later on, we found that we had missed place some clips in the wrong place. So later on the clips we had left didn't really match up to well and we were also running out of time, which then added alot of pressure on us as a group.

At the end of our editing lesson we didn't have enough time to finish the clip, but we did have all the clips that we would have needed to complete the clip which was a shame. As it would have turned out very well. But what i learnt from this , is how to use time efficiently and wisely in order to get the work done.

Filming preliminary film

In our next lesson we then filmed our preliminary film. This was better and more organised as we had our shot list and we knew what we were doing. Having had previous experience with our last film.

During our filming we Had alot of fun, experimenting with different angles. Because we were prepared we even added a few extra shots that we thought as a group would look alot better or make more sense. We started off outside and based our location in the college, as it was easier and more convenient to our plot.

What I really enjoyed filming, was our match cuts as it was fun and interesting; the only trouble I had with it was making sure the action we had to repeat was exactly the same so that when it was edited it matched up. I think that i have improved on filming with a panning action. Before i noticed i was either to fast or to slow when filming someone in my group. Compared to now I have improved and now I'm able to keep up with the subject in the shot, as well making sure they are in the frame properly.

Match Cut tutorial and plannig

In our lesson we had a tutorial on what Match Cuts and how to create match cuts fluently. We were taught that a match cut is an action followed through. For example, if i went to reach for the door handle- it would be my hand reaching for the door and the next shot would be the door opening. We also learnt that when we film our match cuts, we should do the same action but from just from a different angle.

We then watched a video clip that had several match cuts and our task was too spot them. This helped as we realised how fluent the cuts should be.Afterwards we were then given another task which was to create a shot-list in a match-cut exercise. we were given a small brief and were told to do a shot list for it. This was useful as this was how we would plan our preliminary film.

Later we received our brief for our second practise which had to include a match cut and a conversation between the two. Our film was based on man who had a women hostage in a room. When planning it was much more easier and after having troubles with our first practise we were able to plan fully finishing all 16 shots that we were expected to do. Our shots included wide shots, mid shots, extreme close-ups, wide shots, high angle, long shots, over the shoulder shots and close-ups.

Overall the lesson was very productive and we achieved alot this time round.

Monday 19 January 2009

Editing first film

In our next lesson we was then taught how to edit, by practising with other clips. We were shown how mute the clip, also how to use input and output and how to insert it, also how to place sound and even text into the clip; we did all this using Final Cut Pro, and then we moved onto editing our clips. So we were then shown how to log and capture from our tape to the video drive, so that when we then use Final Cut Pro we have separate clips to work with.

When we edited our clip we came to the conclusion to mute the whole clip due to noise in the background that made the clip look out of place instead of fluent. We experimented in dragging certain clips to make them longer and shortening others. Also we overlapped some clips together so that they looked in sequence with each other.

filming the first film

We were then given a tutorial in how we should use the filming equipment. After being shown how to use the tri pods and the camera, we then went to our location of filming and began. When we began our filming we were ok, because we were guided by our storyboard that we planned. But as we got into it we had new and better ideas that suited the film better. The only problem was that we were running out of time and hadn't completed our film completely, this is when my stress levels started to rise. But after calming down and concentrating on the shots we needed to complete the film, everything was ok and was done in time.

What we could have done better was have planned in detail, so that when it came to filming time wouldn't be a problem. But overall i think it went well, it was a learning experience and it helped us think of problems to avoid or to go around when filming our preliminary film. Such as lighting, noise levels in certain areas and places where people use frequently.

What went well was our team work, and the flow of ideas even when it gets hard and frustrating.

Plannig the first Thriller film

When we received out brief about the thriller read, as group we started to plan what we wanted it to consist of;including what the brief required(being an ECU, A POV shot and an over the shoulder shot). We then decieded our plot, which would be a man who had a case containing an important document (newspaper) and had a women following him to get this document; only thing is that at the end he bumps into someone and the case drops with the document gone. We had trouble thinking of 12 shots initailly. But towards the end of the plannng session we came to at least 15-16 shots and were ready to film in the next lesson.

our second practice film

this is our preliminary match cut exercise