Tuesday 20 January 2009

Evaluation of preliminary film

Our second practise went well. we had ourselves more organised and was able to listen to each other more, so that our film could get done on time. However I think that our plot was very basic, and that we could have stepped out of the box. But for a practise it was very good and we were still able to use many different shot types and enjoy ourselves.

I think between our first and second practice films I've learned how to organise myself more in terms of shot types and plots. But also I've learned that i need to be better in time management when it comes to editing the clips. Also I've learned more about how to film better in terms of setting the tri-pod, so that it tilts or pans in the way you want it. Again I've learnt that in order to make match-cuts better, you need to perform the action fluently both times in order to make it look good when editing.

I feel that at times we followed the forms and conventions of real films, but at other times we didn't. For example, when we were following the male protagonist in our film at the beginning i think that it was good and that it followed the conventions of real films. As we followed his journey, it built suspense and we wondered where is he going and what is he going to do- and real film tend to do this they give you a journey to follow. On the other hand I felt at times we didn't. for example, some of the locations of the film was not really ideal for what was actually happening in the scene; but for obvious lack of time and space we had to use certain places like the media editing room. The narrative in the film was good in my opinion as it left suspense for the audience to try and work out what is happening, and that is always a good thing in a thriller film. The lighting in film was decent. It would have been great if we had a spotlight when filming with the two characters, but we were in college so that would have been abit difficult. With mise- en-scene we used sellotape as bandages around the female character (Kameir) mouth and hands to give some type of realism.

But overall it was very funny to do and we have learnt alot as group and hopefully will be prepared for the final film.

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