Monday 19 January 2009

filming the first film

We were then given a tutorial in how we should use the filming equipment. After being shown how to use the tri pods and the camera, we then went to our location of filming and began. When we began our filming we were ok, because we were guided by our storyboard that we planned. But as we got into it we had new and better ideas that suited the film better. The only problem was that we were running out of time and hadn't completed our film completely, this is when my stress levels started to rise. But after calming down and concentrating on the shots we needed to complete the film, everything was ok and was done in time.

What we could have done better was have planned in detail, so that when it came to filming time wouldn't be a problem. But overall i think it went well, it was a learning experience and it helped us think of problems to avoid or to go around when filming our preliminary film. Such as lighting, noise levels in certain areas and places where people use frequently.

What went well was our team work, and the flow of ideas even when it gets hard and frustrating.

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