Tuesday 20 January 2009

Editing the preliminary film

We used Final Pro Cut again to edit our film. Firstly we hooked up the camera and the video drive to the computer and logged and captured our clips. The only thing was that we had a technical problem with our camera therefore it took a while before we were able to actually log and capture our clip.

After doing so, we started the process of editing our clips. Again like our last film we decided to mute the clip as the sounds effected the clip as whole. At the beginning the editing was going very smooth, and in most cuts you couldn't actually tell. But later on, we found that we had missed place some clips in the wrong place. So later on the clips we had left didn't really match up to well and we were also running out of time, which then added alot of pressure on us as a group.

At the end of our editing lesson we didn't have enough time to finish the clip, but we did have all the clips that we would have needed to complete the clip which was a shame. As it would have turned out very well. But what i learnt from this , is how to use time efficiently and wisely in order to get the work done.

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