The introduction to thriller unit was very interesting and beneficial in which we learnt about the forms and convention of a thriller movie and what makes them successful. Thrillers are created to build up suspense and cause a thrill between and audience. Thriller have been categorised into the sub- genres of Crime , True stories, Sci Fi, Action, Psychological, Espionage and some of those who fit in to same group as a horror and a thriller. All the sub-genres intend to create the same feeling amongst the audience; they just find a different way to convince their audience through the plot. The plot of a thriller usually depicts a everyday character in real life situations.
In creating the thriller opening, we hoped to grab our audience’s immediate attention and leave them wanting to know more. By using numerous amounts of camera angles, we aimed to create the thrill amongst the audience. It has been clearly visible that the opening of any movie is a very important the film as a whole as it is used to pull viewers in. This placed a lot of pressure on us as we were only asked to create the opening , however this also made us very determined and in many ways kept us going. We did our best with the task to come up with the best results we could have as a group.
We wanted to embedd as much of the codes and convention of a regular thriller into our own so it would show how much we could interpret and minipulate them to hopefully improve the level of our work. To build suspense and create a sense of fear we used a lot of close- ups and extreme- close ups to add focus and try to persuade the audience to sympathise with the main character. The P.O.V shot for the bathroom door opening which placed the audience in the scene as the character. The close up of the the bathroom lock helped to highlight its significance , the close ups acts a a guide line for the audience as they are pulled in and want to follow to see what happens next.The use of digetic sounds also added dramtic effect, the creaking of the stairs helped to set the mood of the moment and create unanswered questions in the viewrs mind at the time. As a P.O.V shot was also used at this point the audeince automatically links the creaking of the stairs to the unknown character that they are following for clues.
A house was used to create the sense of realism also it is a very common part of peoples everyday lives. We used well recognised settings withing the house such as the bedroom, bathroom and kitching so that the audience could relate and identify them without having too much trouble. The lighting in the passage also added the eerie mood we were trying to create as it was slightly dimmed. The lighting played a very important part in the story telling and setting of the mood.
Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Although I believe that out preliminary task was a success, there is no comparison to the level of work we completed for our final thriller. The final thriller showed huge progression and more dedication from the group.
One of the most helpful aspects from the preliminary task was the completed storyboard. We used this and made an effort to complete the storyboard before filming the final as it had previously helped us with our organisation and saved us a lot of time. It stood out to us that without the storyboard, everything would appear more complicated and this could affect our final mark; which we were trying to prevent.
Editing the final clip was very beneficial and involved a more detailed knowledge when it came to using Final Cut Pro. It was crucial that we asked individual questions when needed, as we had not had a tutorial that showed us how to use all of the editing tools on the programme. It was necessary for us to ask as a group as the other groups had different ideas and chose to use different editing techniques.
When we did the match cut exercise for the preliminary task, we embedded many match cuts that were unnoticeable in our clip. When we realised that we could use match cuts as an advantage we tried to use as many as we could in our final thriller to add all the possible effect. We worked very well with using the input and output points in Final Cut Pro and did out best to match the action we tried to show.
I believe that because our level of organisation as individuals and sometimes as a group it helped the production of our thriller as a whole.
Looking back from our preliminary task it is clear that we had progresses in using both the media technologies but also how to embed the forms and convention of real thriller films into our own to add effect and create realism. Our time keeping was veryorganised and we worked toether both as a team and individually to reduce time wasting. At some points we separated to do individual work for example in one lesson Ashton was creating the soundtracts whilst me and Alethea carried on with editing. This worked well and we were able to do more work in lessons.
Who would be the audience for your media product?
The thriller is aimed at a mainstream audience between the ages of 15 and 35 both male and females from all different classes. In particular, the main female character will attract the majority of the male audience with her sex appeal alone and some other females could possible be able to relate to her.
An example of a person who fits into the audience would be Dareem Phillip, he is 18 years old and is currently attending college pary time and working in a HMV store in West End. He spends the majority of his free time either studying or hanging out with friends. On weekends he usually goes to the cinema, Nandos or stay in with his younger brother John, sister Clara and his girlfriend Elle and watch a movie on the internet. He still lives at home with mum and dad in Streatham and pays rent from the money he gets from work.
If Dareem is not too busy he tends to take Elle shopping but only on occasions as she likes to be a moany cow about him not spending time with her; therefore he does this to shut her up.
Dareem would be interested in our thriller because he likes to scare his younger brother after they watch thriller and horror movies and sinse it is based in a Two storey house like theirs it has a lot of relevance. He will also be drawn in by the female character in the thriller as she has a revealed appeal by the way she dresses . If he doent give in to her looks he will efinately sympathsie with her helpless character as he is very caring and kind.
How will you attract/ address you audience?
I play the main character in the thriller opening; a black female form a working class background. My characters stereotype is a philosophical character of an afro-Caribbean ethic background that is usually killed at some point in the film, if not first. I try to investigate is someone is in the house as I shout ‘Hello, is anybody there’ which in some ways is a well recognised phrase in thriller and horror movies coming form a helpless vulnerable female actress.
The actors listed in the titles are unknown to the audience as ther are upcomign and new actors. This at first seemed as a disadvantage as we didnt have start appeal to pull viewers in and this is one of the reasons why we tried to use editing to minipullate our simple plot to create more effect. Our film was also a small independent production ( CANDI production) therefore many of the actors used were not at all recognise because of our budget.
My feminine side is reflected by the way I am dressed which is slightly revealing. Although I am clothed in a plain nightgown it still appears that, I am trying to seem sexy and possibly available which will pull in a male audience.
Viral marketing will be a huge part of our advertising , sites such a facebook, myspace and profile pic recieves a hig rate on usge on a day to day basic. This is also attract the age group that we want to aimed our film at. We though about the fact that a lot of people can not access the internet and decided that we should also advertise through poster ,billboards and Television( Commercial breaks). Televsion and Internet broadcasts are two vey important methods that we want to use as they are based worldwide and will attract a bigger percentage of our target audience.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
A lot of females will be able to relate to the main actress. The use of Mise- en -scene helps to represent the social class of the character. The clothing doesnt neither depict poor status nor high but is somewhere in the middle. My hair is messy and out which shows the stae of a normal female waking up.
The house itself is very well furnished whcih could suggest that i have a comfortable job as i can take care of my needs. The house is tidy which could be linked to many people in the audience both male and female.
We tried to use as much of our short thriller to reach out the variation of social classes as we knew this would have the advantsge of attractign a bigger audience and recieve feedback from differnt points of view.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The thriller would be released as an small independent UK release as we had used upcoming and new actors. Slumdog Millionaire would in some ways have the same distributors as our thriller in the sense that we are trying to launch profession careers for the actors in our thriller.
With advertising we hoped that the audience would give our thriller a change to progress and support it whether or not we had start appeal.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process on constructing this product?
The variation of technology that was offerd to use in the process of our film production was ongoing. It seemed like evryday a new program or equiptment was intorduced to us for improvement of our thriller openings such as the lighting kit. We used the lighting kit and a ret pallet over it to create one of the shadow scene. Although we didnt use the clip in our final thriller it was very beneficial and we didnt consider it time wasting as we had learnt a new skill.
Logging and capturing ecame a very easy job to complete and i was happy that i could log and capture my clips independantly. Using Final Cut pro had both advantages and disadvantages. An advantage being that we could also do anything to the clips we had filmed to turn them into our ideas. Such as cropping out Ashtons body in the show scene at the end and slowing down or adding pace to the close up of the door handle. However the disadvantage came as we couldnt change evrything it also depended on our fimling. W wer told about the five second rule when filming and this is where it was most noticable to us how critical it was. At the beginnign of the establiment show we didnt use the rule and it was veryrd hard to add the input and outputs points in the shot. We did end up doind it though after the help of a few technicians.
Adding sound to our finished piece was a bit challenging however we did manage to accomplish our goals at the level we expected in the end . Micky helped us a lot with the sound editing which made the process a lot more faster.
We had a very little problem with making our Shadows title, we couldnt find out how to change the style of writing. After experimentation we founf it and tried out the majority of them to see which one suited to film best.
How successful do you feel you have created an opening to a thriller genre fiml that attracts a specific audience?
When we watched our thrillers over as a class my group recieved very positive feedback which was good. The thunder and the bathroom door slamming open got a reaction from he audience which we were hoping to get. Also we got the same recation form the audience when the entire AS sets went to the VUE cinema to watch out thriller openigngs and congratulate each other; they jumped and shrieked.
A lot of the audience liked our use of camera angles but in particular they liked the fridge shot. We had place the camera inside of the fridge and they said that it added variation to the camera angles and showed that we were thinking out of the box.
Our thriller was very different compared to the preliminary task and we had improved a lot more. We did still carry our knowledge from what we had learnt from completeing the task both good and bad. Our match cuts were much more invisble and our editing techniques were much better.
I didnt feel that the Shadows tilelt was realsitic. As i have never seen it done that way in a thriller or any other film. I only noticed this when i started to compare our title to the other title that were shown in thrillers.
Overall i do think we got the response we wanted and i am proud of our thriller opening beacuse i know that it involved a lot of emotional break down, hardwork , determination and motivation form others to complete our clip. Our thriller could be identified with other thrillers because of the forms and convention we challenged and managed to carry our such as the use od dimmed lightin and everyday locations.