Wednesday 25 March 2009

Preliminary (Editing)

Logging and capturing the short clips was very straigh forward with the exception of a faulty camera. The process was very simple because we had been through it before and had understood how to use the equiptment independently. Again we had to use 'Final Cut Pro' to edit our clips.

When we went throught the clips that we had filmed many of them were done very good standard. However after trying to place them together it was revealed that some of them wouldnt go together without being visible match cuts because of the angles that we had filmed some of them. It seemed that we had underestimated the angles we had filmed.

Time was caving in on us and we had to rush the editing process. Unfortunately we didnt quite finish editing our film at the quality that we had hoped for. We did however have lots of beautifully embedded match cuts and a variety of other clear shots that we were extremely proud of.

The Preliminary filming process wasnt as hard and stressful as some of us thought it would be and it wasnt no where as hard as the first film practice. We did our bestwith our time management and i am confident enough to say that we worked as a unit and hopefelly we will continue to do this.

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