Monday 23 March 2009

Editing 1st film

We also has a Editing tutorial which was very useful with editing our first film. We were given the opportunity to watch and demostrate the key points of editing.

We looked at short clips of a little boy in a cafe in which we used editing to minipulate and create different meanings. We had to place input and output points in the clip which suited best and insert it in the time line at the bottom of the screen. We were briefly taught how to mute the clips, create text and add sound effect because we had to move on.

After playing around with the clips we were taught how to Log and Capture our triller and save it into to our video drive which we then had to edit with our groups using 'Final Cut Pro'. We started moving around our clips and placing them in the time line in the correct order. We experimented with the program to try and add effect to the clips we had which turned out be very benificial and interesting. In the end we were quite happy with the final piece based on the clips that we had.

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