Monday 23 March 2009

Preliminary (Filming)

As we has planned our storyboard properly it made it much easier to film the shots insted of being distracted by the planning process.

The filming process was much more relaxable this time which could be because we were extremely organised and we had more time. Either way filming out second film was exciting ,knowlegable and much more interesting which was because whilst filming we were thinking about how we could place the shots together to create our match cuts.

It was clear from the standard of our filming that there was a lot of improvement between the group as a whole. The filmining itself was a good way that proved that we remembered all the given pointers from the technitions including the 5 second rule before fimling each clip.

Thinking back to our first film the shots were of much better quality and all the group members were almost professionals at filming the shots which made me more exciting to see how filming our filnal thriller would be like.I also though it would be interesting to see the level of improvement next time.

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