Thursday 26 March 2009

Final Touches

Finally to finish the last bits and pieces, we created our title 'Shadows' with another programme on the Macs with ours we added a background that had spots that look liked little shadows that appeared and then the word 'Shadows' came up and it looked really good. The colours were just chrome and silver.

We then added this into Final Cut Pro, and then added the opening credits. We were told by our teacher to add it where there was space and it would look good. We used a dissolve effect so that when one name appeared when the next one came up it faded away. We had about five names that ran after each other including who produced the film and the producer and director.

Our final touch was to see if we should add a scream at the end when Kameir sees the shadow or if it should be silent. We came to the conclusion it should be silent to leave the audience in suspense.

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